Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

1.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia akan tutup Aurat
2.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia akan jaga maruah pada diri
3.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab,
Dia cantik
4.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia tidak akan tunjukan kecantikan kepada orang lain
5.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? sebab, Dia anak soleha
6.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia patuh pada orang tua dan saudara-saudaranya
7.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia menghormati orang lain
8.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia takut apabila dia tak pakai jilbab orang akan liat dia cantik dan ada niat yang tak baik terhadap dirinya
9.       Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia ingin jauh dari fitnah
10.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia tidak akan menyusahkan orang lain
11.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia akan dapat pahala
12.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia dapat menghindari maksiat
13.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Supaya dia dapat menjadi contoh para perempuan lain
14.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Supaya lelaki yang beriman saja yang suka dia
15.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia dengar seruan Rasullullah
16.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dapat mengurangkan nafsu lelaki
17.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Rambut adalah mahkota baginya
18.    Kenapa perempuan itu cantik kalau pakai jilbab? Sebab, Dia tak akan ditarik rambutnya, digantung dengan bara-bara api dan dan dibakar dengan dahsyat di akhirat kelak

“Hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain tudung ke dada mereka” [QS An-Nur (24):31]

1. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he will close the Aurat

2. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he will keep on self maruah

3. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Because, She is gorgeous

4. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he will not show beauty to others

5. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? because, He's Soleha

6. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? For, He is obedient to their parents and siblings

7. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Because, He respects others

8. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Because, he was afraid if he does not wear the hijab'll see she's beautiful and there's no good intentions towards him

9. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he wants to be away from temptation

10. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he will not trouble anyone else

11. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he will be rewarded

12. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he can avoid immoral

13. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Because, So that he can be an example of the other women

14. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Because, For men who believe that loves him

15. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Because, he heard the call Rasullullah

16. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he can deduct lust

17. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, hair is a crown to her

18. Why is she beautiful when wearing hijab? Therefore, he would not be drawn hair, hung-hot coals and embers, and burnt with a vengeance in the hereafter

"Let them put her hood fabric to their chest" [Surah An-Nur (24): 31] 

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